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Pt Continuing Education Requirements in Iowa

Continuing Education Requirements for Iowa Engineers

CEU Requirements for Iowa Professional EngineersIowa Continuing Education Package

Are you an Iowa professional engineer? If so, you may be wondering what the continuing education requirements for PEs in the state of Iowa are.

Iowa professional engineers must earn 30 PDH credits every two years. Engineers must renew their professional engineering licenses biennially on December 31st in even-numbered years or odd-numbered years, depending on the time of their initial licensure. Engineers can carry up to 15 PDH units to the next renewing cycle. All continuing education courses must improve and increase the engineer's skills and professional competency.

We offer all inclusive continuing education course packages for Iowa professional engineers. Check out our complete packages for Iowa Engineers.

Refer to our Iowa PE renewal page for more information.

Required PDH Credits

Professional engineers should complete 30 PDH units biennially. The name of the state's engineering board is the Iowa Engineering and Land Surveying Examining Board (IELSEB). Licensees have to undertake courses that maintain, improve, and broaden their skills, competence, and knowledge in their engineering discipline. For example, if they are undertaking ethics and technical courses, they have to be relevant to their engineering practice.

Iowa Engineering and Land Surveying Examining Board

It's important to point out that IELSEB does not pre-approve course providers or particular courses. It's the responsibility of each engineer to determine if the course activities are in line with the requirements of the board. It's of great interest to also note that electronic renewal is allowed. Moreover, it's a requirement by the board for engineers to submit certificates of completion for continuing education credits. In this regard, it's the responsibility of a licensee to keep records of completed continuing education for 2 years.

License Renewal DatesIowa Engineering Continuing Education Requirements

The license renewal date for professional engineers in the state of IOWA is on December 31 of either an even-numbered or odd-numbered year. The renewal date depends on the time of the initial licensure. If certificates of licensure are issued in an even-numbered year, they expire in an odd-numbered year. Take note that when a licensee's renewal period of two years comes to an end, one should have completed 30 PDH units. The learning period involves diverse activities related to the ethics, technical, and managerial aspects of engineering practice. The activities have to improve and broaden the skills and expertise of a professional engineer. Also, as a major requirement for all professional engineers to uphold, they have to keep records of their completed continuing education for 2 years.

Engineering Ethics and Professional Conduct

Engineers in Iowa have to portray high levels of ethics and professional conduct. That is why these principles form a big part of the continuing education courses they take. State rules and laws are also integral parts of their continual learning because they have to practice within the confines of the set regulations. Ethics content material aids in maintaining and broadening a professional engineer's moral codes while doing engineering practice. In addition, professional conduct learning helps engineers to gain skills of maintaining a professional image while practice their career. It's because of the significance of these facets of learning that the activities for continuing education have to be relevant to an engineer's area of practice.

Records Keeping Requirements for Engineers

As earlier stated, record keeping is a must for professional engineers in Iowa. It's recommended that a licensee maintain a record of the following: the type of activity done, the sponsoring institution, location, duration taken, instructor's name, and the PDH units completed. In this respect, a licensee should keep records of reported PDH credits for 2 years. Such records are applicable when professional engineers are requesting for licensing.

Continuing Education Activities Accepted by the Board

The continuing education activities that professional engineers undertake have to increase their level of knowledge and professionalism in their respective engineering disciplines. For the activities to meet the requirements of the board, they have to be relevant to one's engineering practice. The following are examples of the continuing education activities accepted by the board:

  • Online PDH programs
  • Participation in seminars, conferences, trainings, workshops, conventions related to engineering
  • Teaching or instructing in engineering related activities
  • Authoring published articles and books
  • Acquiring patents

When licensees participate in these activities, they get to earn PDH credits.

Online courses are allowed by IELSEB. A maximum of 10 PDH can be earned in a renewable period through online courses. Live webinars come in handy in meeting the needs of continuing education in the state. They are a convenient way of ensuring that licensees are able to undertake continuing education with ease. It's worth noting that online courses are identified as independent study and are supported by IELSEB.

Pre-Approval of Continuing Education Activities

The state's board does not pre-approve course providers or courses. Licensees taking these courses have to make sure that they meet the requirements of the board. Generally, the courses have to be relevant to one's engineering practice and aim at improving their current knowledge and expertise.

Sources of Free Continuing Education Courses

There are various sources and options for free continuing education courses that one can take. For example, if you go online you will be able to find websites that have free offers for engineers in different fields. Also, educational institutions like universities provide free continuing education courses at different times depending on their programs.

Engineering Licensing Requirements

The following requirements are needed for engineering licensing:

  • A bachelor's degree graduate in engineering
  • Excelling in the fundamentals of engineering examination- tests an engineer's knowledge of vital engineering concepts and principles
  • A four-year progressive experience in the engineering discipline
  • Performing well in the principles and practice in engineering test- assesses one's knowledge and proficiency in his or her specific engineering field

Complete Engineering Packages for Iowa PEs

Iowa engineer continuing educationPDH-Pro has a series of continuing education packages for Iowa professional engineers. Our Iowa Engineering Packages satisfy all of the IELSEB requirements. Select a package to match your engineering discipline: chemical, civil, electrical, environmental, geotechnical, mechanical, or structural. We review the Iowa PE license requirements every year to ensure these packages meet all of the board's guidelines.

Engineering Discipline Restrictions for Continuing Education Courses

Continuing education courses have to be within the discipline of a licensee. This implies that the activities must be relevant to one's specific field of practice in order to earn PDH credits. For example, if one's area of operation is in electrical engineering, the continuing education courses have to be relevant to that specific area of practice.

Professional engineers in Iowa have to follow the afore-mentioned requirements for them to receive PDH credits for license renewal and to remain relevant in their fields. Knowledge expansion and competence building are immensely important for professional engineers and that is why continuing education is a must for them.
