How to Get Goku Black Rose Wig in Xenoverse 2
We've had a bit of a golden age for Dragon Ball games. And Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 is among the most unique titles in recent years.
Developed by Dimps and published by Bandai Namco, XV2 lets you create your own character and set off on an adventure that'll take you through the largest, most detailed Dragon Ball open world ever made.
A great way to make this game even better (and keep it fresh after playing it for weeks) is experimenting with mods. And trust me, there's a lot out there.
Whether it's a fix, a cheat, a new character, or an entire overhaul, our comprehensive list covers all the best Xenoverse 2 mods worth checking out.
Keep in mind that modding XV2 is a bit harder than other games, so if you're having trouble (especially after a major update) this video is sure to help.
25. All Characters and Stages Unlocked

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Let's start with the most basic mod you could need – All Characters and Stages Unlocked.
As the name suggests, this mod by Becks7 simply allows you to access every single unlockable character and stage without having to meet any of the requirements.
It's especially useful if you lost your save file, or if you just want to dive right into No-Level Matches.
Keep in mind that you may need to clear at least one tutorial mission in the Story Mode for this mod to work.
24. PlayStation Buttons Mod

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I've been a Sony fanboy for my entire life.
Which means I generally use my DualShock PS4 controller as a gamepad for my PC games as well.
If you do the same, you'll love the PlayStation buttons mod.
It replaces the in-game button representations for the classic square, cross, circle, and triangle.
Ideal if you're having trouble learning the combos due to the confusing Xbox-centric symbols, or to stop feeling like a second-class citizen due to your gamepad preferences.
It's also great to mess with your friends who play XV2 on PS4 by showing screenshots of your modded "PS4" game, which is actually tough as nails.
They'll go nuts.
23. PS5 Perfect Cell

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As I said, I love Sony. And the design of the new PS5 is the kind of futuristic nonsense I love to see.
I also love the memes surrounding the black and white console.
This mod by Calikingz01 plays into the meme by giving Perfect Cell a complete makeover based on what would happen if he absorbed a PS5.
It features a black and white color scheme with glowing blue highlights, just like Sony's next-gen console. And he even has the new DualSense on his back for added effect.
It's pretty silly, but I'm sure lots of you will appreciate this ridiculous mod.
22. Saitama ft. Genos

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Speaking of ridiculous things, have you ever wondered how Saitama from One Punch Man would fare against DBZ characters?
Thanks to modder group The Beyonders and their Saitama character mod, you can find out.
Not only does he look just like he does in the show, but he has custom skills, including a Serious Punch Ultimate Skill.
As a bonus, you can also tap in friend/rival Genos in the middle of a fight.
If you liked this mod, you'll be happy to find out that The Beyonders also have a mod to add Mob Psycho 100's protagonist Shigeo Kageyama to XV2.
21. DBZ X2: Director's Cut Music Mod

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Personally, I don't mind Steve Aoki's compositions for XV2.
But I know a lot of you would prefer a more traditional soundtrack.
This mod by Nekomaster replaces the game's original tunes with a hand-picked list of songs from the Tenkaichi, Budokai, and Ultimate Tenkaichi series.
Most users recommend you get this, and I think the mix is pretty damn good. Alternatively, you can download the Ultimate Tenkaichi OST replacer by the same author.
20. Street Fighter Ultimates

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If you're a fan of fighters, you've most likely played your fair share of Street Fighter titles.
Creator CaliKingz01 brings some of the classic fighter's charm to Xenoverse 2 in the form of two new Ultimate Skills for CaC based on moves from Street Fighter.
The new Tornado Kick is based on Ryu's Senpukyaku, and the Ultra Rising Fist is an XV2 version of the famous Shoryuken.
19. Xenodimension Neptunia U

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Here's one for the weebs out there.
The Xenodimension Neptunia project aims to bring a bunch of stuff from the famous console war parody RPG series Hyperdimension Neptunia into Xenoverse 2.
This includes hairstyles and accessories like full-body mecha armor and bad-ass wings – all in several flashy, glowing colors.
You'll find this and more in the project manager's profile.
18. Toppo and Dyspo

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If you've kept up with the Dragon Ball Super story, you know Toppo and Dyspo – two members of Universe 11's Pride Troopers.
Described by mod author TheGuyFromBehind as "Walmart Beerus and the Lorax", these two characters are fierce warriors who fight to protect their universe from destruction.
Both of them come with custom skills and are among the highest quality character's I've seen made for the game.
17. Sage Mode Goku

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The 2014 title DBZ: Battle of Z may not have been the best game ever.
But it had some choice parts – this DLC costume for Goku among them.
If you're not familiar, this is actually a collaboration with Naruto Shippuden that dressed up Goku with Naruto's sage robes.
This mod by Kendorasage takes it a step further, giving Goku the power to use Ninjutsu like the Rasengan, and enter Kyuubi Chakra Mode as a transformation.
In total, it includes four new skills and two transformations. And you can even use the skills in CaC.
Definitely better than just bringing Naruto into the game.
16. Goten and Trunks – End of Z

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We continue the string of fantastic new characters with Goten and Trunks.
Specifically their teenager versions from the End of Z manga, otherwise known as the Peaceful World Saga.
These characters don't usually get that much attention. And it's really nice to see them recreated for XV2, as these are among their most unusual looks compared to the rest.
The mod includes several costumes. Most of them can reach up to SSJ2 form, but their Training Gi versions can also achieve SSJ Rage mode.
Creator Nephilim also offers Super Saiyan 4 versions of Goten and Trunks in their Future and GT forms.
15. DIO

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If you've ever watched Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, you know DIO. Hell, you might know him even if you haven't watched the series, since he's been the object of several memes throughout the years.
Prolific creator TheGuyFromBehind brings the sworn enemy of the Joestar family into XV2, complete with several custom skills and even his stand – The World, which you'll see appear alongside DIO during certain combos. Or whenever he uses his Ultimate Skill.
He can even transform into his stronger "complete form", as seen on Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders, though using his Ultimate Skill will revert the change.
14. Tournament of Power Stage

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You've gathered characters from all across the multiverse – even some from different franchises.
And there's only one battleground that'll do them justice.
This mod by BlackTheAlpha brings us the stage for Grand Zeno's Tournament of Power – a clash with the strongest fighters from each of the 12 universes.
It's just like the one in the anime, complete with characters from each universe on the spectator seats hovering above the stage.
13. Revamped Accessories Shop

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Creating my own character in the DBZ universe is among my favorite parts of the Xenoverse franchise.
The more customization options, the better.
This mod by Loriscangini goes a long way toward expanding the create-a-character system by introducing several new accessories to the shop.
These include a new angel halo, Bardok's bandanna, the Time Breaker Mask, and much more.
Time to make a new character, am I right?
12. Animated Saiyan Tail Accessory

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Before you run off excitedly to make your new character, you should get Tesla2015's Animated Saiyan Tail Accessory.
Sure, you can use the boring old static one already available in the vanilla game. But why would you do that when you have this perfectly-animated mod just a click away?
This also includes some additional minor accessories as a bonus, such as an SSJ4 Goku wig and lots of new scouters for your character.
11. Caulifla

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Caulifla is one of the most interesting characters to come out of the Tournament of Power arc, and also one of the strongest.
This Saiyan gang leader from Universe 6 isn't only the first canon female to achieve Super Saiyan form, but she did it shortly after learning it even existed – a testament to her great potential.
Her menacing glare and big hairstyle are two of her best features.
They're recreated wonderfully on this custom character by modder Nephilim, which can also transform into a Super Saiyan in-game.
10. Goku Ultra Instinct

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There have been way too many Super Saiyan stages and forms throughout the years.
But none of them are as devastatingly powerful as Goku's Ultra Instinct form.
After letting go of his thoughts and emotions to let his trained body and survival instinct take care of the fighting, Goku is several times stronger in this form than he is in SSJ Blue.
Modder group Pride Troopers have gone above and beyond to make this character true to his depiction in the original material. This includes addressing several subtle details, such as changing his running animation to be more in-line with the anime.
Of course, his moveset and all of his skills are entirely custom-made.
9. Azura's Aura Pack

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One of the most recommended ways to improve your game has to be expanding your roster of auras for CaC.
Azura's Aura Pack includes many auras, including several Ultra Instinct re-colors, plus auras seen only in cutscenes, and many more.
This mod also serves as an excellent resource for modders creating new characters, and you'll need to install it for several of the most popular ones – including some featured in this ranking.
Another great aura mod that you'll need as well is Pride Troopers' Aura Expansion – which is used by virtually all of their fantastic custom characters.
8. CaC Transformation Pack

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Azura's Aura Pack is also a prerequisite for the CaC Transformation Pack: a must-have tool for anyone serious about character creation in the game.
It uses several of these auras in new transformations and adds many new ones on top of that.
The pack also comes with some new characters by creator DOUGDIMMADAB, including Ruby Frieza, Ruby Cooler, and many new forms for Goku Black.
7. Dragon Ball Super – Manga Pack

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The Dragon Ball Super manga brought several new characters and transformations into Dragon Ball.
But not all of them are available in Xenoverse 2.
This mod by M-Warrior helps bolster the Dragon Ball Super representation in XV2 by introducing some new characters and several transformations not yet present in the game.
These include Future Mai, several versions of Goku Black (including SSJ Rosé form), Merged Zamasu, and Super Saiyan God Vegeta – among others.
If you liked this, consider their Goku Black Ultimate Beauty Pack, which gives this dark Kakarot a makeover, and also includes many transformations.
6. Save Editor

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One of the most basic tools anyone needs if they're modding Xenoverse2 is Lazybones' Save Editor.
This handy program will let you visualize several variables in your save file and easily alter them thanks to its easy-to-understand UI.
These include your CaC's levels, their experience, how much money you have, and more.
You can even import characters from other saves!
A must-have utility for sure.
5. FighterZ – Reshading Pack + Resources

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I don't think the characters in XV2 look half-bad.
But they're far from the fantastic style seen in the 2018 title Dragon Ball FighterZ.
Lucky for us, modder Iklaudat took it upon themselves to create this Reshading Pack. It takes most characters in the game's vanilla roster and gives them a FighterZ-like makeover.
That includes Kid Gohan, Goku Black, Mystic Gohan, and every one of the Buus, among other prominent examples.
The FighterZ Reshading Pack is also a fantastic resource for modders who like the eponymous game's more anime-like aesthetic.
4. FighterZ – Reshade for CaC

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Once you've given a makeover to most of your roster, it would be kinda jarring to keep your beloved CaC's original XV2 style.
This mod by Tryzick goes a long way toward helping you solve that by adding the FighterZ reshade to a wide range of individual costumes and accessories.
While this mod fails to cover every piece of equipment, author Tryzick thinks of it as a stepping stone and encourages users to apply the reshade to whatever items they need.
Sometimes you need to work to get what you want!
3. New Transformations (Added Skills)

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Easily the most famous and popular Xenoverse 2 mod is Lazybone's New Transformations.
This incredible mod will significantly expand your character customization options by giving you access to previously-unavailable transformations.
Examples include Super Saiyan God, Super Saiyan Blue, Ultra Instinct, and more.
It also includes some entirely new custom auras and re-colored versions of those found in the vanilla game. A big pack that's worth trying out.
2. XV2 Revamp Add-On – Vegito (SSG)

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Vegito is one of the coolest characters in the entire Dragon Ball universe.
He's the product of Vegeta and Goku's fusion achieved by putting on the Potara earrings, and a major bad-ass.
The Revamp Team made this Super Saiyan God version of the fusion as an add-on to their fantastic XV2 Revamp, and it's easily the best custom character I've seen in a mod.
He's even fully voiced!
Not only does he have all-new custom skills like the Heat Burst, Ignition Slash, and Blazing Combo – but all seven of them are available for use in CaC.
1. XV2 Revamp

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If you want to get our previous entry, you'll also have to get the XV2 Revamp – the single best mod for Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2.
This project by the Revamp Team aims to improve every single aspect of the game.
Their focus includes new models, new textures, enhanced gameplay, the list goes on and on.
It's a mod made by fans, for fans. And that's probably why every change they make seems to be acclaimed by most users.
Plus there are plenty of memorable characters made exclusively as add-ons for the XV2 Revamp.
If you've got the time to mod Xenoverse 2 then absolutely give this one a try.
How to Get Goku Black Rose Wig in Xenoverse 2