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How Much Litre of Water to Drink During Pregnancy

Staying hydrated during pregnancy is important for you and your developing baby. Drinking plenty of water can also help with common pregnancy side effects, such as constipation and can help you to feel more alert and boost your energy levels. It can also improve your concentration, which may be a plus if you've been experiencing forgetfulness in your pregnancy.

How much water should I drink a day?

Aim to drink around 1.6 litres (2.8 pints) of fluids a day. That's roughly eight standard 200ml glasses of a water a day.

Using a water bottle can be a helpful way to keep an eye on your water intake and to make sure you're drinking enough water each day.

As your calorie needs increase in the third trimester, you may also need to up your fluid intake to support your baby's growth. Increasing the amount of water you drink helps your blood volume to expand, so your body can deliver the nutrients your growing baby needs. It also helps maintain your amniotic fluid levels, which ensures your baby has the right environment and protection to thrive.

If you're exercising, or if it's very hot, be sure to drink extra water to stay cool and hydrated.

What other drinks can pregnant women have?

Drinking water is the healthiest way to keep yourself hydrated, but some of your daily fluid intake can come from other drinks. Some good options include:

Fruit juice

Fruit juices are a source of essential vitamins and minerals, which are great for your growing baby. However, bear in mind that they're also high in sugar and quite acidic, so they can damage your teeth. Keep them to mealtimes if you can. Drinking fruit juice that contains vitamin C with a meal can help your body to absorb iron from your food. Avoid so-called 'juice drinks', which often contain little in the way of vitamins, and lots of sugar.


Milk provides calcium, iodine and B vitamins, which are all important for you and your baby's health. Warming milk for a bedtime drink doesn't reduce its nutritional benefit and can help you drift off.


Dairy-based smoothies give you all the goodness of milk and fruit in one glass. Vegetable-based smoothies are also a great way to get more vitamins and minerals, as they generally contain less sugar and calories than drinks based purely on fruit. Shop-bought smoothies can sometimes have added sugar, so you may want to try making your own.

Flavoured water

If you're suffering from morning sickness, or perhaps just don't like the taste of water, you may find it difficult to drink enough. Try adding slices of cucumber, cubes of melon, or a few leaves of mint to a jug of water for a refreshing change. You could also give sparkling water a try.

Ginger drinks

Many women find that these help with morning sickness. Try taking small sips of ginger ale or ginger tea when you're feeling nauseous. You can even make your own ginger tea by peeling and grating some ginger root and steeping it in hot water.

Decaf tea and coffee

Although there is still a small amount of caffeine in decaf tea and coffee, it's much less than usual caffeinated versions. Decaf varieties need to have at least 97 per cent of the caffeine removed to be classed as decaffeinated. So you can continue to have your usual cuppa without worrying about your caffeine intake.

Another good way to get extra fluids is by eating more foods that contain lots of water, such as soups, salads, fruit and yoghurt.

Are there drinks that pregnant women should avoid or drink less of?

Some drinks aren't as good for you and your baby:

Fruit squash

Squashes don't have the same vitamins and minerals as juices and are often high in sugar. However, they can sometimes be useful if you find water a bit dull. Look for no-added-sugar or reduced-sugar varieties, and be sure to dilute them well.

Fizzy drinks

Sugar-free and low-sugar sodas are fine in moderation, but they don't contain the nutrients that you and your baby need and are often packed with sweeteners. Many, such as cola and energy drinks, also contain high levels of caffeine or other stimulants, so it's best to avoid these altogether.

Tea and coffee

You shouldn't have more than 200mg of caffeine a day while you're pregnant. This is about two cups of tea, two cups of instant coffee, or one cup of brewed coffee. Bear in mind that chocolate also contains caffeine, so add up your whole intake across the whole day.

Herbal tea

Most fruit and herbal teas are safe to drink during pregnancy, but only in moderation. Don't have more than a cup or two a day, and don't drink the same tea every day. This is because the effects of some teas can build up over time. Be particularly careful with valerian and camomile, and remember that green tea contains roughly the same amount of caffeine as black tea.


Experts advise to avoid alcohol completely throughout pregnancy, to protect your unborn baby. Drinking alcohol while pregnant may impact the health of your baby and increase your risk of miscarriage.

There are lots of non-alcoholic beers, wines and even spirits available now, so swap your usual tipple for a drink that's safer for your baby. If you feel unable to give up alcohol completely during your pregnancy, talk to your midwife or doctor. They will not judge you and will be there to offer support and advise you.

Find out more

  • Learn how to spot the signs of dehydration, so you'll always know whether you're getting enough fluids.
  • Suffering from a urinary tract infection? Learn how to help your symptoms and reduce your risk of them.
  • Find out why staying hydrated is also important when you're breastfeeding.

Joanne Lewsley

Joanne Lewsley is a freelance copywriter and editor, and specialises in creating evidence-based parenting, health and lifestyle web content.

How Much Litre of Water to Drink During Pregnancy
