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Easy Chariot Race Win in Assassins Creed

I've won the first tournament so far and came close with the second. One thing that helped me enormously was finally realizing you don't have to hold forward on the stick (it adds nothing to RT boost). Steering is MUCH smoother just pushing left and right.

It's all in the power slide round the corners.

slide corners, use boost appropriately.

you can also block others with a good corner, its worth the damage.

To win there's basically a few things to remember:

1) Always win the round 1 of the 3 rounds (this is the easiest round).
2) Always make sure you're tapping the boost button (you'll go slightly faster and the stamina bar will still be refilling slowly).
3) Moment you see the shadow of the other horse overtaking you hold down boost.
4) Don't use the boost for longer than a 3rd of the bar.
5) Ram everytime you can.
6) Keep your drifts as tight as possible on the corners (you always want to end up on the inside of the track).
7) Stay in front of the horse behind you so as to block him from overtaking you as much as possible.
8) When blocking someone try not to be directly in front and centre of their horses but be on their right or left edge (this way they can't hurt you or overtake you).

Note this all changes once you finish the first set of tournaments and unlock the 'Elite Tournaments'. Then it's all about playing extremely agressive and no stamina tapping, just conserving it and using short bursts.

Last edited by SnakesX4; 30 Oct, 2017 @ 12:01pm

ok. Thnx for the advices i`ll try them cause those badass chariots man ^_^ I wish they were in open world i mean with 4 horses and matbe some pikes on wheels

Originally posted by PhluXx:

To win there's basically a few things to remember:

1) Always win the round 1 of the 3 rounds (this is the easiest round).
2) Always make sure you're tapping the boost button (you'll go slightly faster and the stamina bar will still be refilling slowly).
3) Moment you see the shadow of the other horse overtaking you hold down boost.
4) Don't use the boost for longer than a 3rd of the bar.
5) Ram everytime you can.
6) Keep your drifts as tight as possible on the corners (you always want to end up on the inside of the track).
7) Stay in front of the horse behind you so as to block him from overtaking you as much as possible.
8) When blocking someone try not to be directly in front and centre of their horses but be on their right or left edge (this way they can't hurt you or overtake you).

Note this all changes once you finish the first set of tournaments and unlock the 'Elite Tournaments'. Then it's all about playing extremely agressive and no stamina tapping, just conserving it and using short bursts.

Staying as close to the corners as possible when drifting is extremely important because the AI is nasty at drifting and gaining speed


30 Oct, 2017 @ 5:38pm

If you're using a gamepad try the keyboard, I had much better luck staying on the dark area road with the keyboard and that actually made the elite races easier for me even getting 1st 3 in a row in the last race.


31 Oct, 2017 @ 6:47am

Originally posted by Kapkan, our lord and saviour:

Don't bother, it sucks

Yeah, the reward you get doesn't look very spectacular even with elite...

Edit: I was able to win the horse more than once by replaying the last race and you can sell it off for 1000 Drachmas... could be a great way to grind some cash if it wasn't so tedious.

Last edited by caps; 31 Oct, 2017 @ 8:07am

It is not just to powerslide and press space bar. You have to pay a lot of attention to the start/end position and how close you are to the wall. If you start the slide too close to the wall you will not be able to hug the wall at the end of the turn. You have to hug the wall at the end to get the maximum effect.


(Banned) 16 Sep, 2018 @ 3:59am

Seriously dude ! Are you DUMB or what ?!

Originally posted by Snip:

Seriously dude ! Are you DUMB or what ?!

When I read something that's factually wrong I have to correct it no matter how old it is.

Not impossible, just hard.
